Classes are small, only 6 of us. Each person had their own work area around this beautiful hand made table; made by her husband. After a short demo, we were each given flour and 2 eggs, then dug in! In a few minutes, we each had a ball of dough to start making pasta.
This first image is the kitchen where our class was held - a typical beautiful county farm house style.

Next, is Sheila and one of her youngest students, Olivia!

Next, she is demonstrating how to prepare the dough that will run through the pasta maker as seen in the following image.

The next set of images are Deb and me digging in!

By the end of the class, everyone that didn't eat what they made, went home with either fettuccini, ravioli or both! I had my fettuccini and was impressed - if I must say so. Even Deb liked it!
When we have the opportunity to do so, we are going to take another class! We had a great time and really learned quit a lot! Of course, we need to invest in the attachments for our mixer.
Click Here to visit Sheila's website! Also, go to her blog and sign on, she needs lots of hits to be concidered for publishing her first cookbook!