Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Follow us around the world!

One of the things I do for all of my photography students is present them with one of my business t-shirts. After handing them out the last night one of the students said, "Hey, I'm going to China - I'll get a photograph of me wearing it there".

This reminded me of a program one of my clients did for their Med-E-Vac service where people would go on vacation and take a picture with one of their t-shirts by a sign or building that showed the area they were.

So, the light went on and I decided to start one for Doddy Photography! I did some checking and found a program that will track points on a globe where I can attach a link to a photograph to the area taken. It's just getting started and I have several people on board and by the middle of the summer I should have several points logged.

I will put up some local one to my hometown area to make sure everything is working. So check back later to see if I've added to this blog!

If you are interested, please e-mail me at jcd1@doddyphotography.com


Thursday, June 18th, 2009------------

OK, here is the first of several images from around the world! These are from Iraq. One of my photography students' son is there and sent these. Note - this is how I received them.

I will be waiting for others!